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1168 | 20 | Sensing the territory: expanding other ways of knowing through the cuerpo-territorio methodology to transform representations of climate change. | Maria Borràs Escayola, Federica Ravera, Marta Rivera, Maria Heras i Catalina Quiroga

This is a proposal to apply cuerpo-territorio (body-territory) methodology to explore the discourses from people active in social movements against the implementation of policies in the name of climate change. After analysing climate change public policy discourse at a double scale (Spain and Catalonia) applying Carol Bacchi’s methodology: What’s the problem represented to be? (WPR approach) we unveiled the three official narratives behind the construction of the climate change subject: (1) a positivist-technocratic vision, (2) a blind trust on the infinite economic growth and (3) an analysis of the already existing social and territorial vulnerabilities. In the next step of the research, which is developed within my PhD thesis, I want to explore how is climate change perceived in social movements resisting or contesting the implementation of climate change public policies. The idea of using the cuerpo-territorio methodology arises from the need to include other ways of knowing and living the territory that are different from what the official discourse of public policies wants us to believe is the only and indisputable one, and to be able to build jointly that knowledge with the collectives, trying to follow the path of decolonial feminist geography, which wants to embody theories; identifying the theories that are generally built collectively and that have the power to generalize, without universalizing. Using this methodology in a different context from where it was created is also a step towards more transnational dialogue between feminist geographers which may help decolonising academy (specially in the Global North).

Maria Borràs Escayola, Federica Ravera, Marta Rivera, Maria Heras i Catalina Quiroga
Universtitat de Girona

ID Abstract: 20